Friday, July 11, 2014


Part Four of the Foundation Thinking Series

The word Transparency has received much attention over the last few years, yet I believe it is misunderstood among those who use it most.  Transparency implies openness, communication, and accountability. Transparency is operating in such a way that it is easy for everyone to see what actions are performed and how decisions are made.  We can see the results of actual Transparency in our Behaviors, Performance, and Values.

And since companies can't actually be accountable, communicate, be open, or exhibit other human behaviors we are really talking about the people in the company.  The people in the organization must have the right behaviors, performance, values, and integrity.  Problems around those issues will not be repaired if they stay in the dark bureaucracy where "people" barriers stop the flow of information.  If people in your organization have integrity problems, you will not like the results of you new-found imperative.

Below are some questions you may want to ask yourself and Leadership Team:

How do you respond to the release of "dirt on the Company"?
How about the external release of pay scales?
How does public knowledge of you competitive advantages affect your ability to retain the best value?
Do you believe companies do well by doing good or by getting away with it?
Which comes first, integrity and trust, or transparency?

Company Leaders have to decide what parts of the business are going to be transparent.  How about what is being done wrong?  If you competitor uses this against you with your customers, shouldn't they provide their list?  What if you had their list and could target opportunities for improvement in your products and services?  What would that list look like from former employees?  When was the last time to you used your employee survey results to make process or communication improvements?

I'm sure this is not the answer you were looking for, but change is hard and this has to be worked out with everyone on board.

Internal Transparency
How do we make decisions?
How is performance?  (chart it, share it)
How do employees move up the ladder?

External Transparency
Financial books open to everyone?  (true for listed U.S. companies... now)
How long to release occurrence of secure data breaches to the public?
What are our rates and internal costs?

Organizational Characteristics
  • Openness to ideas and information sharing
  • No organizational barriers that impede information flow
Individual Characteristics
  • Willing to deliver and accept straightforward information 
  • Open, honest, non-retributive communication flow

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