Monday, January 14, 2013

We're All Leaned Out!

This has to be my favorite sayings from managers.  It speaks volumes to a team's current state on the Journey to Excellence.  These managers are not in every company, but this is what they seem to know to say.  And in their minds they are correct because no one has shown them what right looks like.

I think the interaction between the Point Haired Boss and the Six Sigma Consultant was clear.  "First identify the problem", in which the PHB responds with "we don't have any problems, what's next?"  Not only is he a liar, he is delusional.  Give it a few years and he will be on an episode of Corporate Hoarders.

The way off this path requires Vision and Leadership.  You have to be tired of the constant review failures, status meetings, part shortage meetings, network downtime, "special" visits to the boss's office, or the worst indicator - constant fire fighting.  You have to say NO MORE!!  And you have to dig out.  You may find that you have the wrong people on the your bus (thanks Jim!).

During the teaching and mentoring the use of Lean Thinking we focus on what we can see.  In the information flow we have to look at cycle times, review (quality) failures, or other flow stoppers.  This is the purpose of the visual management boards.  And keep your charts current and relevant.  Don't forget to talk to your customers about the products or services you provide.

Document your results on an A3 and look across the organization for similar issues where you can apply your new learning.  Celebrate the team's success and always be learning.